Conference Papers Year : 2017

Cost-Efficient Laparoscopic Haptic Trainer based on Affine Velocity Analysis.


This paper introduces a laparoscopic haptic simulator to help surgeons starting their training to Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS) gestures. Its ludic dimension makes it a Serious Game helping users to evaluate themselves in comparison to experts. This paper details its architecture, the methods followed to create the exercises, and experimental results.
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hal-01563262 , version 1 (04-02-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-01563262 , version 1


Charles Barnouin, Benjamin de Witte, Richard Moreau, Arnaud Lelevé, Xavier Martin. Cost-Efficient Laparoscopic Haptic Trainer based on Affine Velocity Analysis.. Surgetica 2017, Nov 2017, Strasbourg, France. ⟨hal-01563262⟩
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