Since January 1, 2007,
- the CEGELY (Centre de Génie Électrique de Lyon, "Electrical Engineering Center of Lyon", UMR CNRS),
- the LAI (Laboratoire d’Automatique Industrielle, "Control Engineering Laboratory", team of the INSA),
- and a team of Environmental Microbial Genomics
have created the center Ampère (UMR 5005 of the CNRS), led by Laurent NICOLAS.
This new center involves the entire range of electrical engineering research and education with innovative interdisciplinary projects in life sciences.
The list of the Ampère publications is currently being updated from the list of the CEGELY, of the LAI and of the environmental microbiology group.
The lists presented here are temporarily incomplete.
For further information, please contact Laurent Krähenbühl, who is responsible for the publications of Ampère.
The tabs above give access to the entire list of publications.
Access to the lists of publications for each research group is provided below:
- Power Electronics and integration
- Modeling
- Materials
- Active control
- Microsystems and microbiology
- Actuators and systems
Access to the list of publications by collaborative project:
Last update : April 19, 2007