Discussing Semigroup Bounds with Resolvent Estimates
The purpose of this paper is to revisit the proof of the Gearhardt-Pruss-Huang-Greiner theorem for a semigroup S(t), following the general idea of the proofs that we have seen in the literature and to get an explicit estimate on the operator norm of S(t) in terms of bounds on the resolvent of the generator. In Helffer and Sjostrand (From resolvent bounds to semigroup bounds. ArXiv:1001.4171v1, math. FA, 2010) by the first two authors, this was done and some applications in semiclassical analysis were given. Some of these results have been subsequently published in three books written by the two first authors Helffer (Spectral theory and its applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013) and Sjostrand (Lecture notes : Spectral properties of non-self-adjoint operators. Journees equations aux derivees partielles (2009), article no. 1), (Non self-adjoint differential operators, spectral asymptotics and random perturbations. Pseudo-differential Operators and Applications, Birkhauser (2018)). A second work Helffer and Sjostrand (Integral Equ Oper Theory 93(3), 2021) presents new improvements partially motivated by a paper of Wei (Sci China Math 64:507-518, 2021). In this third paper, we continue the discussion on whether the aforementioned results are optimal, and whether one can improve these results through iteration. Numerical computations will illustrate some of the abstract results.