index - Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray

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Birkhoff normal forms Chronologie Entropy Time series Well-balanced schemes Courant theorem Hopf algebra Generating functions Spectral theory Limit theorem Contact geometry Finite volume methods Sobolev inequality Schubert calculus Inverse scattering Simulation Chemotaxis Dirac equation Hypocoercivity Riesz transform Morse theory Homologie des groupes Cohomology Harmonic oscillator Nodal domains Finite volume scheme Shallow-water equations Finite volume schemes Dissipative operators Coherent states Scattering data Shape optimization Finite volume method Foliations Laplacien Limiting absorption principle Volumes finis Eigenvalues Hyperbolic system Courant nodal domain theorem Semigroup Kinetic equations Spectrum Resolvent estimates Dispersive estimates Godunov-type schemes Nonlinear Schrödinger equation Inverse problems Modélisation Relaxation Éléments finis Polymer collapse Determinantal point process Finite volumes Analyse semi-classique Global solutions Asymptotic-preserving schemes Helmholtz equation Nodal lines Stability Spectral asymptotics Free energy Hamiltonian PDEs Threshold spectral analysis Random data Secondary 58J50 Smoothing effect 35P25 Aggregation Finite volume Convergence Heat semigroup Foncteurs polynomiaux Inverse problem KAM theory Phase transition Laplacian Discrete entropy inequalities Reeb vector field Numerical analysis Géométrie de contact Morse-Smale diffeomorphism Large deviations Semiclassical analysis Electrocardiology Birkhoff normal form Céramique Nonlinear wave equation Catégories de foncteurs Schrödinger operator Statistique Long memory Chronology Homologie des foncteurs Asymptotic preserving schemes Quantum cohomology Central limit theorem Contact homology Nodal domain Compressible