Collusion-Resistant Worker Set Selection for Transparent and Verifiable Voting
Collusion occurs when multiple malicious participants of a distributed protocol work together to sabotage or spy on honest participants. Decentralized protocols often rely on a subset of participants called workers for critical operations. Collusion between workers can be particularly harmful to the security of the protocol. We propose two protocols that select a subset of workers from the set of participants such that the probability of the workers colluding together is minimized. Our first solution is a decentralized protocol that randomly selects workers in a verifiable manner without any trusted entities. The second solution is an algorithm that uses a social graph of participants and community detection to select workers that are socially distant in order to reduce the probability of collusion. We present our solutions in the context of a decentralized voting protocol proposed by Schiedermeier et al.[24] that guarantees transparency and verifiability. Enabling collusion-resistance in order to ensure democratic voting is clearly of paramount importance thus the voting protocol provides a suitable use case for our solutions.
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