Algorithms for Sparse Random 3XOR: The Low-Density Case
We present algorithms for variants of the 3XOR problem with lists consisting
of random sparse $n$-bit vectors. We consider two notions of sparsity:
low-density (each bit is independently biased towards zero) and low-weight
(the Hamming weight of $n$-bit vectors is fixed).
We show that the random sparse 3XOR problem can be solved in strongly
subquadratic time, namely less than $\bigO{N^{2-\epsilon}}$ operations for a
constant $\epsilon > 0$. This stands in strong contrast with the regular case,
where it has not been possible to have the exponent drop below $2 - o(1)$.
In the low-density setting, a very simple algorithm even runs in linear
time with overwhelming success probability when the density is less than
$0.0957$. Our algorithms exploit the randomness (and sparsity) of the input in
an essential way.
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