Naiyena Engol 2 (West Turkana, Kenya): a Case Study on Variability in the Oldowan
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the study of Oldowan technological variability, and the observed inter-assemblage diversity has been attributed to a number of causes, including raw material availabil- ity, different hominin species, and cultural and diachron- ic variation. This paper explores technological variabil- ity through the study of Naiyena Engol 2, an Oldowan site dated at c.1.8–1.7 Ma and located in the Nachukui Formation of West Turkana, Kenya. Site formation pro- cesses, stratigraphic and taphonomic aspects of Naiyena Engol 2, are reported and are followed by a discussion of the lithic assemblage, focusing on flaking techniques and battering activities. Our results show important diversity of flaking techniques within the same assem- blage, suggesting that lithic variability is not only an inter-site phenomenon but also may be found within single Oldowan sites. Additionally, the overall low flake productivity of Naiyena Engol 2 is in sharp contrast with patterns observed in other West Turkana assemblages such as Lokalalei 2, thus also supporting the existence of significant inter-assemblage variability during the Oldowan.