Etude Archéologique des Rejets Industriels de la Porcelaine à Limoges : Enjeux et Perspectives Multidisciplinaires suite à l'opération archéologique réalisée rue Théodore Bac.
An archaeological operation conducted from January 6 to March 10, 2023, in Limoges by a team of three archaeologists assessed the potential archaeological impact of the Line A of the BHNS project. The study, traversing several archaeological sites, focused on areas disrupted by the construction of the train station in 1929. Located on a terrace overlooking the Vienne, the ancient topography of Limoges, marked by ravines, was altered by industrial infill, particularly porcelain. The 19 archaeological surveys, constrained by public utilities, revealed a series of stratigraphic sequences directly associated with porcelain production, covering a chronological range from 1865 to 1929. These layers of infill, rich in old industrial waste (ceramics, kiln failures, elements of kilns …), clearly reflect the profound reorganisation of the original terrain by the addition of thousands of cubic meters of infill from porcelain production. The items collected during this operation allowed for the gathering of a vast sample of artifacts linked to the entire operational chain of porcelain production. Furthermore, the typochronology of certain ceramic pieces enabled the dating of the infill deposits upon which the current streets and buildings were later established.
This article aims to demonstrate that the study of porcelain industrial waste in Limoges enhances the understanding of this emblematic industry and the city's history. Future archaeological operations will offer new perspectives for the study of Limoges' industrial heritage.