Technical Appendix for Polynomial Time Presolve Algorithms for Rotation-Based Models Solving the Robust Stable Matching Problem - Archive ouverte HAL
Rapport Année : 2024

Technical Appendix for Polynomial Time Presolve Algorithms for Rotation-Based Models Solving the Robust Stable Matching Problem


This document is the Technical Appendix for the paper "Polynomial Time Presolve Algorithms for Rotation-Based Models Solving the Robust Stable Matching Problem" accepted at IJCAI-2024. Section 1 contains the complete proof of a lemma from the IJCAI paper. Section 2 describes the constraints used in the constraint programming model used in the paper, and Section 3 presents the full results of the experiments. In Section 4, there is a link to the GitHub repository containing the Java code for the experiments.
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Dates et versions

hal-04569962 , version 1 (06-05-2024)
hal-04569962 , version 2 (02-09-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04569962 , version 1


Sulian Le Bozec-Chiffoleau, Charles Prud'Homme, Gilles Simonin. Technical Appendix for Polynomial Time Presolve Algorithms for Rotation-Based Models Solving the Robust Stable Matching Problem. IMT Atlantique. 2024. ⟨hal-04569962v1⟩
213 Consultations
72 Téléchargements

