Globalization of the world economy. integration and internationalization of various spheres of
human life cause new requirements for specialists in the field of economics, management, international law,
international trade, whose professionalism directly depends on the level and quality of their communicative
readiness to engage in business communication with representatives of other cultures. Accession to the
Bologna process gave a new impetus to the modernization of education, led to the introduction of new
generation standards, the implementation of a competency-based approach in education.
The idea of training specialists with developed foreign language communicative competence in the general
structure of professional competence allows us to speak about the emergence of a new, in our opinion, concept,
by analogy with the concept of a secondary linguistic personality for graduates of language universities - a
secondary communicative professional personality.
The leading idea of the study is the formation of a special foreign language communicative competence of
students, carried out on an interdisciplinary, integrative basis, is inseparable from the formation of an integral
structure of their professional competence. Such a context model includes two blocks of components that
implement, respectively: general foreign language communicative competence and special foreign language
communicative competence. The latter ensures the ability and readiness of a university graduate effectively
to participate in situations of intercultural professional and business communication that correspond to the
specifics of his work.
The purpose of the study is didactic substantiation, development and experimental approbation of a
contextual model for the formation of foreign language communicative competence of students.
Object of study is the process of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language.
Subject of study is the conceptual foundations of the contextual model for the formation of foreign
language communicative competence of students.