Event-related potentials and Eye movements’ recordings in French students with dyslexia during a phonological lexical decision task
Dyslexia is a multifactorial deficit implicating visual and phonological impairments but studies testing both visual and phonological capabilities in dyslexic subjects are scarce. In this study, we simultaneously recorded both event-related potentials (ERP) and eye movements from university students with and without dyslexia during a phonological lexical decision task. Several stimuli were used (i.e., French content words, pseudohomophones, pseudowords, consonant strings, and symbols). Biosemi (64 electrodes) and EyeLink II were synchronized to record ERPs and eye movements, respectively. We examined three reading related ERP components, namely the N170, N320 and N400, as well as the number, duration of fixations, and amplitude of saccades. Preliminary data show reduced ERP amplitudes in the three ERP markers, more and longer fixations, and several saccades made far from the stimulus presented in the dyslexics compared to controls. These data suggest that both visual and phonological impairment may be observed in dyslexia.