Nonlinear compartmental modeling to monitor ovarian follicle population dynamics on the whole lifespan - Archive ouverte HAL
Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2022

Nonlinear compartmental modeling to monitor ovarian follicle population dynamics on the whole lifespan


In this work, we introduce an ODE-based compartmental model of ovarian follicle development all along lifespan. The model monitors the changes in the follicle numbers in different maturation stages with aging. Ovarian follicles may either move forward to the next compartment (unidirectional migration) or degenerate and disappear (death). The migration from the first follicle compartment corresponds to the activation of quiescent follicles, which is responsible for the progressive exhaustion of the follicle reserve (ovarian aging) until cessation of reproductive activity. The model consists of a datadriven layer embedded into a more comprehensive, knowledge-driven layer encompassing the earliest events in follicle development. The data-driven layer is designed according to the most densely sampled experimental dataset available on follicle numbers in the mouse. Its salient feature is the nonlinear formulation of the activation rate, whose formulation includes a feedback term from growing follicles. The knowledge-based, coating layer accounts for cutting-edge studies on the initiation of follicle development around birth. Its salient feature is the coexistence of two follicle subpopulations of different embryonic origins. We then setup a complete estimation strategy, including the study of theoretical identifiability, the elaboration of a relevant optimization criterion combining different sources of data (the initial dataset on follicle numbers, together with data in conditions of perturbed activation, and data discriminating the subpopulations) with appropriate error models, and a model selection step. We finally illustrate the model potential for experimental design (suggestion of targeted new data acquisition) and in silico experiments.
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Dates et versions

hal-03739205 , version 1 (27-07-2022)
hal-03739205 , version 2 (28-06-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-03739205 , version 1


Guillaume Ballif, Frédérique Clément, Romain Yvinec. Nonlinear compartmental modeling to monitor ovarian follicle population dynamics on the whole lifespan. 2022. ⟨hal-03739205v1⟩
334 Consultations
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