Trial and Error Learning for Dynamic Distributed Channel Allocation in Random Medium
This paper considers the problem of fully distributed channel allocation in clustered wireless networks when the propagation medium is random. We extend here the existing Trial and Error (TE) framework developed in the deterministic case and for which strong convergence properties hold. We prove that using directly this solution in the random context leads to unsatisfactory solutions. Then we propose an adaptation of the original Trial and Error Learning (TEL) algorithm, called Robust TEL (RTEL), assuming that the random channel effects translate into a bounded stochastic disturbance of the utility function. The solution consists in introducing thresholds in the transitions of the TEL’s Finite State Controller (FSC). We prove that this new solution restores the good convergence property inherited from the TEL. Furthermore, we provide analysis of the stochastic utilities in the Rayleigh fading case in order to check the bounded assumption. Finally, we develop an online algorithm that dynamically estimates the optimal threshold values to adapt to the instantaneous disturbance. Numerical results corroborate our theoretical claims.