Other Publications Year : 2021

3D lexicon for Human and Social Sciences

Bruno Dutailly
Pascal Mora
Jean-François Bernard
Dickinson Richard
  • Function : Author


This document is the result of an ongoing effort to enable SSH and 3D actors to interact around a common vocabulary. This lexicon is intended to accompany the various deliverables of the 3D consortium. It is also intended to help enrich TaDiRAH, the "Taxonomy of Digital Research Activities in the Humanities" of the European DARIAH consortium. This ongoing process is illustrated by the fact that this document is in its second version
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Lexicon of 3D vocabulary for Human and Social Sciences.pdf (2.48 Mo) Télécharger le fichier
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hal-03187979 , version 1 (01-04-2021)



  • HAL Id : hal-03187979 , version 1


Xavier Granier, Laurent Bergerot, Mehdi Chayani, Bruno Dutailly, Pascal Mora, et al.. 3D lexicon for Human and Social Sciences. Recommendations of the "Consortium 3D for Humanities", 2021. ⟨hal-03187979⟩
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