Exploring Didactic and Literary Approaches to the Introduction of Digital Literature in French High Schools - Archive ouverte HAL
Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (JCLA) Année : 2020

Exploring Didactic and Literary Approaches to the Introduction of Digital Literature in French High Schools

Serge Bouchardon
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hal-03091085 , version 1 (10-02-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03091085 , version 1


Serge Bouchardon, Magali Brunel. Exploring Didactic and Literary Approaches to the Introduction of Digital Literature in French High Schools. Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics (JCLA), 2020, 42 (4), pp.49-62. ⟨hal-03091085⟩
119 Consultations
107 Téléchargements

