Low-complexity Computational Units for the Local-SOVA Decoding Algorithm - Under Review, Submitted to PIMRC'20 WS - ETTCOM - Archive ouverte HAL
Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2020

Low-complexity Computational Units for the Local-SOVA Decoding Algorithm - Under Review, Submitted to PIMRC'20 WS - ETTCOM

Rami Klaimi
Abdel Charbel
  • Fonction : Auteur
Norbert Wehn
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 1062258
Catherine Douillard


Recently the Local-SOVA algorithm was suggested as an alternative to the max-Log MAP algorithm commonly used for decoding Turbo codes. In this work, we introduce new complexity reductions to the Local-SOVA algorithm, which allow an efficient implementation at a marginal BER penalty of 0.05 dB. Furthermore, we present the first hardware architectures for the computational units of the Local-SOVA algorithm, namely the add-compare select unit and the soft output unit of the Local-SOVA for radix orders 2, 4 and 8 were proposed. We provide place & route implementation results for 28nm technology and demonstrate an area reduction of 46 − 75% for the soft output unit for radix orders ≥ 4 in comparison with the respective max-Log MAP soft output unit. These area reductions compensate for the overhead in the add compare select unit, resulting in overall area saving of around 27 − 46% compared to the max-Log-MAP. These savings simplify the design and implementation of high throughput Turbo decoders.
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Dates et versions

hal-02545582 , version 1 (17-04-2020)
hal-02545582 , version 2 (21-04-2020)
hal-02545582 , version 3 (27-04-2020)
hal-02545582 , version 4 (12-05-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-02545582 , version 2


Stefan Weithoffer, Rami Klaimi, Abdel Charbel, Norbert Wehn, Catherine Douillard. Low-complexity Computational Units for the Local-SOVA Decoding Algorithm - Under Review, Submitted to PIMRC'20 WS - ETTCOM. 2020. ⟨hal-02545582v2⟩
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