Lack of controllability of the viscous Burgers equation.Part I: The L^∞ setting.
We contribute an answer to a quantitative variant of the question raised in [Coron, Contemp.
Math 2007] concerning the controllability of the viscous Burgers equation u_t+(u2/2)_x = u_xx
for initial and terminal data prescribed for x in (0; 1).We investigate the (non)-controllability under
the additional a priori bound imposed on the (nonlinear) operator that associates the solution to
the terminal state. In contrast to typical techniques on the controllability of the viscous Burgers
equation invoking the heat equation, we combine scaling and compensated compactness arguments
along with observations on the non-controllability of the inviscid Burgers equation to point out
wide sets of terminal states non-attainable from zero initial data by solutions of restricted size. We
prove in particular that, given L >= 1, for sufficiently large |C| and T < (1 + Delta)/|C| (where Delta > 0
depends on L), the constant terminal state u(.; T) := C is not attainable at time T, starting from
zero data, by weak solutions of the viscous Burgers equation satisfying a bounded amplication
restriction of the form ||u||_ ∞ <= L|C|. Our focus on L^∞ solutions is due to the fact that we rely
upon the classical theory of Kruzhkov entropy solutions to the inviscid equation. In Part II of this
paper, we will extend the non-controllability results to solutions of the viscous Burgers equation
in the L^2 setting, upon extending the Kruzhkov theory appropriately
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