A Tool for the Coverability Problems in Petri Nets
Goals of CovMin. Petri nets are an infinite-state model for specification and verification of concurrent systems. An important generic problem of this model is coverability, which asks the following question: Given a Petri net N and two markings m 0 , m t ∈ N p , does there exist a firing sequence σ such that m 0 σ − → m ≥ m t. Another related problem, is the coverability set problem which asks: Given a Petri net N and an initial marking m 0 , produce a finite set Clover(N , m 0) of markings such that a marking m is coverable iff there exists an ω-marking m ∈ Clover(N , m 0) such that m ≥ m. The computational complexity of these problems is very high: The coverabilty problem is EXPSPACE-complete while the size of the coverabilty set may be non primitive recursive. The tool CovMin was designed to efficiently solve these problems.