Journal Articles Nature Year : 2018

Rock fluidization during peak-ring formation of large impact structures.

1 Institut für Geologie
2 Department of Geology
3 Department of Earth Science and Engineering [Imperial College London]
4 EAPS - Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences [West Lafayette]
5 CPSX - Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration [London, ON]
6 IG - Institute of Geophysics [Austin]
7 Department of Geological Sciences [Austin]
8 Géosciences Montpellier
9 USRA - Universities Space Research Association [Washington]
10 British Geological Survey [Edinburgh]
11 BGS - Biogéosciences [UMR 6282]
12 Analytical, Environmental and Geo- Chemistry
13 SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy [Edinburgh]
14 WA-OIGC - WA-Organic and Isotope Geochemistry Centre
15 NHM - Natural History Museum [Vienna]
16 AWI - Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung = Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research = Institut Alfred-Wegener pour la recherche polaire et marine
17 International Research Institute of Disaster Science
18 Penn State - Pennsylvania State University
19 China University of Geosciences [Beijing]
20 ICPEES - Institut de chimie et procédés pour l'énergie, l'environnement et la santé
21 Instituto de Geofisica [Mexico]
22 School of Geographical and Earth Sciences
23 NERC Argon Isotope Facility [Glasgow]
24 Unidad de Ciencias del Agua
25 JAMSTEC - Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
26 FALW - Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences [Amsterdam]
27 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences [Piscataway]
28 Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
29 Department of Geosciences
30 Eyring Materials Center
31 Department of Chemistry
32 NAI - NASA Astrobiology Institute
Ulrich Riller
  • Function : Correspondent author
  • PersonId : 1041262

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Johanna Lofi
Abdoulaye Diaw
  • Function : Author
Elise Chenot
Ludovic Ferrière
Jan Smit
Axel Wittmann


Large meteorite impact structures on the terrestrial bodies of the Solar System contain pronounced topographic rings, which emerged from uplifted target (crustal) rocks within minutes of impact. To flow rapidly over large distances, these target rocks must have weakened drastically, but they subsequently regained sufficient strength to build and sustain topographic rings. The mechanisms of rock deformation that accomplish such extreme change in mechanical behaviour during cratering are largely unknown and have been debated for decades. Recent drilling of the approximately 200-km-diameter Chicxulub impact structure in Mexico has produced a record of brittle and viscous deformation within its peak-ring rocks. Here we show how catastrophic rock weakening upon impact is followed by an increase in rock strength that culminated in the formation of the peak ring during cratering. The observations point to quasi-continuous rock flow and hence acoustic fluidization as the dominant physical process controlling initial cratering, followed by increasingly localized faulting.


Earth Sciences

Dates and versions

hal-01972246 , version 1 (07-01-2019)



Ulrich Riller, Michael H. Poelchau, Auriol S.P. Rae, Felix M. Schulte, Gareth S. Collins, et al.. Rock fluidization during peak-ring formation of large impact structures.. Nature, 2018, 562 (7728), pp.511-518. ⟨10.1038/s41586-018-0607-z⟩. ⟨hal-01972246⟩
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