A Dynamic Surface Reconstruction Framework for Large Unstructured Point Sets
We present a method to reconstruct simplified mesh surfaces from
large unstructured point sets, extending recent work on dynamic
surface reconstruction. The method consists of two core components:
an efficient selective reconstruction algorithm, based on geometric
convection, that simplifies the input point set while reconstructing
a surface, and a local update algorithm that dynamically refines or
coarsens the reconstructed surface according to specific local
sampling constraints.
We introduce a new data-structure that significantly accelerates the
original selective reconstruction algorithm and makes it possible
to handle point set models with millions of sample points.
Our data-structure mixes a kd-tree with the Delaunay triangulation
of the selected points enriched with a sparse subset of landmark
sample points. This design efficiently responds to the specific spatial
location issues of the geometric convection algorithm. We also
develop an out-of-core implementation of the method, that permits to
seamlessly reconstruct and interactively update simplified mesh surfaces
from point sets that do not fit into main memory.