ConKMEL: a contextual knowledge management framework to support multimedia e-learning
As the latest stage of learning and training evolution, e-Learning is supposed toprovide intelligent functionalities not only in processing multi-media education resourcesbut also in supporting context-sensitive pedagogical education processes. Towards providingan integrated solution for intelligent multimedia e-Learning, this paper presents acontext-aware knowledge management framework named ConKMeL. Proposed frameworkfeatures a semantic context-based approach for representing and integrating information andknowledge in e-Learning. Requirement analysis in university e-Learning environmentsshows that knowledge communications are usually in a hybrid mode across different conceptuallevels. Based on the fact, a multi-layer contextual knowledge representation modelcalled KG (knowledge graph) is presented. Corresponding key issues in development suchas context-based knowledge retrieval and logical knowledge interpretation are discussed.On the application side, a scenario-based learning case study is shown to demonstrate theconcepts and techniques developed in the ConKMeL framework.