Emergent Semantics Systems
Karl Aberer
Tiziana Catarci
Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
Tharam S. Dillon
Stephan Grimm
Mohand-Said Hacid
Arantza Illarramendi
Mustafa Jarrar
Vipul Kashyap
Massimo Mecella
Eduardo Mena
Erich J Neuhold
(10, 1)
Aris M Ouksel
(11, 1)
Thomas Risse
(1, 10)
Monica Scannapieco
Felix Saltor
(12, 1)
Luca de Santis
Stefano Spaccapietra
Steffen Staab
Rudi Studer
Olga de Troyer
ETH Zürich -
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [Zürich]
2 UNIROMA - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" = Sapienza University [Rome]
3 UTS - University of Technology Sydney
4 TH - Universität Karlsruhe
5 LIRIS - Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information
6 UPV / EHU - Universidad del País Vasco [Espainia] / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [España] = University of the Basque Country [Spain] = Université du pays basque [Espagne]
7 VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel [Bruxelles]
8 NLM - National Library of Medicine [Bethesda, MD]
9 Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
10 Fraunhofer ISI - Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
11 UIC - University of Illinois [Chicago]
12 UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya = Université polytechnique de Catalogne [Barcelona]
2 UNIROMA - Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" = Sapienza University [Rome]
3 UTS - University of Technology Sydney
4 TH - Universität Karlsruhe
5 LIRIS - Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information
6 UPV / EHU - Universidad del País Vasco [Espainia] / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [España] = University of the Basque Country [Spain] = Université du pays basque [Espagne]
7 VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel [Bruxelles]
8 NLM - National Library of Medicine [Bethesda, MD]
9 Universidad de Zaragoza = University of Zaragoza [Saragossa University] = Université de Saragosse
10 Fraunhofer ISI - Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
11 UIC - University of Illinois [Chicago]
12 UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya = Université polytechnique de Catalogne [Barcelona]
With new standards like RDF or OWL paving the way for the much anticipated Semantic Web, a new breed of very large scale semantic systems is about to appear. Traditional semantic reconciliation techniques, dependent upon shared vocabularies or global ontologies, cannot be used in such open and dynamic environments. Instead, new heuristics based on emerging properties and local consensuses have to be exploited in order to foster semantic interoperability in the large. In this paper, we outline the main differences between traditional semantic reconciliation methods and these new heuristics. Also, we characterize the resulting emergent semantics systems and provide a couple of hints vis-à-vis their potential applications.
The work presented in this paper reflects the current status of a collaborative effort initiated by the IFIP 2.6 Working Group on Databases. It was partly carried out as part of the European project KnowlegeWeb No 507482. A previous version of this work was published in the proceedings of DASFAA04.