Semantic and Cooperative Document Delivery Over Distributed Systems
In this article, we have presented an architecture for the efficient delivery of documents in a distributed systemthat integrates semantic caching and cooperation mechanisms in a consistent way. Our semantic cachingproposals are based on the monitoring of previous user requests, on a limited knowledge of the semanticproperties of the documents in the form of keywords, and on a knowledge of the semantic links betweensome of the keywords. We compute a synthesis of these properties, the temperature, that aims at being ametric of the interest of a given document for a cache. Our cooperative architecture implements documentsharing between caches at a local and global level, allowing caches to fetch documents from other nearbycaches rather than from the distant source. It also implements the sharing of information by monitoringtemperature variations. We have performed an experimental evaluation of our system using simulation, andhave found out the three potential factors of improvement of the integrated system (local proxy cooperation,intermediate proxy cooperation, semantic caching) do indeed all have a positive impact on the efficiency ofrequests processing.
Architecture pour l'envoi efficace de données dans un système distribué fondé sur le déploiement de mécanismes de caches collaboratifs.