Towards an Intelligent CAD Models Sharing Based on Semantic Web Technologies
Interoperability among CAD systems is a well known problem in collaborative product design and development. Nowadays, existing solutions and standards for product data integration are restricted to the process of geometrical data. As a result, the model can hardly be modified, and the original intent of the designer may be misunderstood. Hence, design intent such as design history, features, parameters and constraints should be consistently maintained while processing semantically modeling terms both by design collaborators and intelligent systems. In this paper, we investigate the use of Semantic Web technologies for the development of a common design features ontology, sharable for collaborative design. In our approach, we define the neutral format as an ontology using OWL (Web Ontology Language), and more specifically its sublanguage OWL DL based on descriptive logic, which is then enriched from the logical data model with axioms and rules. Rules have been defined using SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) for enriching our ontology expressivity for handling composed properties.