Refinement of correspondences in EXSMAL for XML Document transformation
Schema matching is an important prerequisite to the transformation of XML documents with different schemas. In this work, we are interested in the process of matching between data schemes in order to transform documents XML. After explaining related works in the domain, we choose the EXSMAL Algorithm to generate a set of correspondences. Then we try to filter this set in order to obtain 1-1 correspondences. In this purpose, two calculations of similarity are applied: Path similarity and internal similarity. This refinement helps to facilitate the transformation of the documents XML. We also base on a dynamic ontology updated by a user feedback which describes the semantic relation between nodes like IsA, PartOf, Similar, etc. These semantic relations are then expressed in LIMXS data model. The transformation will use operations such as: Connect and Rename for the simple matching, Merge and Split for the complex ones.