Définir le champ de la formation linguistique en contextes d’insertion
This first chapter is intended to define the field of ‘language training in inser-tion/integration contexts’, in which the language training concerns adults in the process of social/professional insertion/integration, and often with difficulties in this respect. In this context, the training involves literacy tuition, the teaching of French as a second language, or the relearning of basic linguistic skills (for those with literacy problems), but, crosswise, involves to review thoroughly educational objectives: beyond language learning, education contributes to the activation of social mobility pathways for which the «language of integration» is a social key and a symbolic resource. We’ll firstly split it into two orientations: as a search field in humanistic social sciences, as well as a field of social intervention, structured by a political and institutional context. It is also to question what characterizes learners concerned in this field. Finally, this article is opening some tracks in terms of professional trainer’s skills.