Modeling and simulation of multi-discipline systems using bond graphs and VHDL-AMS - Archive ouverte HAL
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2005

Modeling and simulation of multi-discipline systems using bond graphs and VHDL-AMS


Bond graphs represent a convenient tool for physical system analysis. While it is one part of the job to establish a pertinent bond graph model, it is another important part of the job to take advantage of this bond graph. A simulation tool is involved and the engineer effort varies depending on the sofware entry and computer issues. The paper focuses on the coherence of VHDL-AMS with regards to bond graphs. The objective is twofold. First the authors detail an experience on how to shift from a bond graph representation to a efficient VHDL-AMS code. Two practical examples are presented: a simple Pb-Fe battery and an airbag application. The essential of the language with respect to bond graphs is recalled. Second the authors discuss several advantages and limitations of the language with respect to other available languages and tools when it comes to modeling bond graphs. Then some possible evolutions for the next IEEE 1076.1 VHDL-AMS standard are outlined.
Fichier non déposé

Dates et versions

hal-01486590 , version 1 (10-03-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01486590 , version 1


François Pêcheux, Bruno Allard, Christophe Lallement, Alain Vachoux, Hervé Morel. Modeling and simulation of multi-discipline systems using bond graphs and VHDL-AMS. ICBGM 2005 - International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation, Jan 2005, New Orleans, LA, United States. pp.149-155. ⟨hal-01486590⟩
213 Consultations
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