Towards a user-centered and dynamic construction of dimensional hypertexts structures
We consider documents as the results of dynamic processes
of documentary fragments' compositions. We have experi-
enced that once a substantial number of associations exist,
users need some synoptic views. One possible way of provid-
ing such views relies in the organization of associations into
relevant subsets that we call "dimensions". Thus, dimen-
sions offer orders along which a documentary archive can be
explored. Many works have proposed efficient ways of pre-
senting combinations of dimensions through graphical user
interfaces. Moreover, there are studies on the structural
properties of dimensional hypertexts. However, the prob-
lem of the origins and evolution of dimensions has not yet
received a similar attention. Thus, we propose a mechanism
for helping users in the construction of dimensions. Our pro-
posal has been implemented (in the context of DINAH, our
multistructured documents framework) and validated with
users from the humanities field. A poster will be presented
and a demonstration of our prototype will be available.