Introduction of a Dynamic Assistance to the Creative Process of Adding Dimensions to Multistructured Documents
We consider documents as the results of dynamic processes
of documentary fragments’ associations. We have experi-
enced that once a substantial number of associations exist,
users need some synoptic views. One possible way of pro-
viding such views relies in the organization of associations
into relevant subsets that we call “dimensions”. Thus, di-
mensions offer orders along which a documentary archive
can be traversed. Many works have proposed efficient ways
of presenting combinations of dimensions through graphical
user interfaces. Moreover, there are studies on the struc-
tural properties of dimensional hypertexts. However, the
problem of the origins and evolution of dimensions has not
yet received a similar attention. Thus, we propose a mech-
anism based on a simple structural constraint for helping
users in the construction of dimensions: if a cycle appears
within a dimension while a user is creating a new dimension
by the aggregation of existing ones, he will be encouraged
(and assisted in his task) to restructure the dimensions in
order to cut the cycle. This is a first step towards a rational
control of the emergence and evolution of dimensions.