3d Hand model animation with a new data-driven method
This paper presents a data-driven method to track
hand gesture and animate 3D hand model. The proposed
method uses a new generation of active camera based on
time of flight principle(The Swissranger4000). To achieve the
tracking, the presented method exploits a database of hand
gestures represented as 3D point clouds acquired from the
Swissranger4000 video camera. In order to track a large
number of hand poses with a database as small as possible
we classify the hand gestures using a Principal Component
Analysis (PCA). Applied to each point cloud, the PCA produces
a new representation of the hand pose independent of the
position and orientation in the 3D space. To explore fast and
efficiently the database we use a comparison function based
on 3D distance transform. Experimental results on real data
demonstrate the potential of the method