Fan-shaped Patch Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
In this paper, we present a new distinctive feature for tex-
ture classification, the fan-shaped patch local binary pat-
terns (FP-LBP). The proposed FP-LBP operator extends
the traditional LBP operator by encoding the difference be-
tween each central pixel with the average value of its neigh-
boring fan-shaped patches, instead of only using its neigh-
boring pixels. By this way, FP-LBP not only preserves
more information of local structures than the traditional
LBP, but also keeps relatively lower dimensionality, espe-
cially when larger radius and more neighboring pixels are
considered. Moreover, the “uniform” and rotation invari-
ant FP-LBP are also defined similarly to the traditional
LBP. The proposed descriptors are evaluated on two pop-
ular texture databases: CUReT and KTH-TIPS, and the ex-
perimental results show that FP-LBP outperforms the tra-
ditional LBP descriptor with a smaller feature dimension.
Moreover, the proposed method achieves higher classifica-
tion accuracy than most of the state-of-the-art methods on
both databases.