A new pixel-based quality measure for segmentation algorithms integrating precision, recall and specificity
There are several approaches for performance evaluation of image processing algorithms in video-based surveillance systems: Precision/ Recall, Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC), F-measure, Jaccard Coefficient, etc. These measures can be used to find good values for input parameters of image segmentation algorithms. Different measures can give different values of these parameters, considered as optimal by one criterion, but not for another. Most of the times, the measures are expressed as a compromise to be found between two of the three aspects that are important for a quality assessment: precision, recall and specificity. In this paper, we propose a new 3-dimensional measure Dprs), which takes into account all of the three aspects. It can be considered as a 3D generalization of 2D ROC analysis and Precision/Recall curves. To estimate the impact of parameters on the quality of the segmentation, we study the behavior of this measure and compare it with several classical measures. Both objective and subjective evaluations confirm that our new measure allows to determine more stable parameters than classical criteria, and to obtain better segmentations of images.