BALCON: BAckward Loss Concealment Mechanism for Scalable Video Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks
Opportunistic networks suffer coarse characteristicsof frequent disruptions, high loss ratios and uncertain datadelivery. The transmission of video content even worsens thedelivery problem because of the large size and continuous natureof the medium. Therefore, loss concealment is inducted as a partof the solution, alongside other delivery enhancement mechanisms.Loss concealment techniques are usually used Forwards,where the source must spend extra processing and transmissionvolume to enable the receiver to recover lost data parts. Thesetechniques are not only associated with prolonged latencies andvideo encoding manipulations, but they are also sensitive to theloss pattern, which might leave the receiver in passive suspensionif a key part for recovery was missing. In this work, we propose aBackward loss concealment mechanism, which allows the receiverto react to a certain amount of loss. Missing parts of the scalablevideo stream are compensated by a composite solution thatencloses 1) video frame loss error concealment, and 2) networkdemands, which are initiated and cast in search for missing partsfrom other nodes in the network.Simulation-driven experiments prove the applicability of thebackward mechanism, with a limited capability depending onthe target application requirements.