The paper presents the baseline climate of the Cotnari wine growing region, the climate under whose influence were set up the wine grape varieties, wine types and grapevine training systems of this vineyard. It is also presented the baseline climate suitability for wine grape growing and its spatial variation in the vineyard area. The study is based on the climate data for the 1961 to 1980 time period, previous to the beginning of theclimate warming and, therefore, considered to be representative for the baseline climate time period. According to study results, the baseline climate of the Cotnari wine growing region was cool, with annual average temperatures by 8.5...10.0°C, with a sum of the effective temperatures by1081...1382°C, with freezing phenomena at the beginning and towards the end of the growing season, and with very cool nights during the month of September (CI+2). Elements that generate the baseline climate suitability for wine grape growing were: high average temperatures for the month ofJuly (19...21.1°C); long growing season up to 190 days, and high values for the global radiation, up to 93 kcal/cm2/April 1st-September 30thon the sunny slopes within the vineyard area. According to the multicriteria evaluation of the suitability for wine grape growing, 87.9% (1792 ha) of thevineyard surface was characterized by a baseline climate suitable for white quality wines and 11.9% (241.0 ha) by a baseline climate suitable for white table wines, sparkling wines and wines for distillates.