Research and development of a TOF-based multi-slit collimated camera for online hadrontherapy monitoring
Purpose: Hadrontherapy is an innovative radiotherapy modality that allows for high tumour conformality due to the characteristic Bragg peak in the dose-depth profile. However, the high precision involved also makes the monitoring of dose delivery more critical. Currently, only positron emission tomography is clinically implemented but other techniques may also provide clinically-relevant information, namely the ones relying on prompt-radiation emission. This work addresses the research and development (R&D) of a TOFbased multi-slit collimated camera, one of the possible devices that use prompt-radiation information to monitor dose delivery in particular for proton and carbon ion treatments. This camera involves the detection of prompt gammas emitted during the treatment along the beam axis, for which the correlation with the range of particles in matter has been extensively demonstrated.