Journal Articles Polymer Degradation and Stability Year : 2013

Thermal oxidation kinetics of additive free polyamide 6-6


Thermal aging of an additive free PA 6-6 has been elucidated at 90, 100, 120, 140, 150 and 160 C in airventiled ovens by Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry, viscosimetry in molten state and uniaxial tensile testing. Oxidation of methylene groups starts after a considerably shorter induction period but reaches a lower maximal rate than in additive free PE. Cleavage of CeN bonds constitutes the main source of chain scissions. It leads to the formation of aldehyde chain-ends and a catastrophic decrease in molar mass. Embrittlement occurs at a very low conversion ratio of the oxidation process, in particular when the concentration of aldehyde chain-ends reaches a critical value of [PH¼O]F z 5.6 10 3 mol l 1, corresponding to a critical value of the number average molar mass ofMnFz17 kg mol 1. At this stage, the entanglement network in the amorphous phase is deeply damaged. A non-empirical kinetic model has been derived from the oxidation mechanistic scheme previously established for PE, but improved by adding elementary reactions specific to polyamides such as the rapid decomposition of unstable hydroxylated amide groups. This model describes satisfyingly the main features of the thermal oxidation kinetics of PA 6-6, but also of other types of aliphatic polyamides studied previously in the literature such as: PA 6, PA 12 and PA 4-6, as long as it is not controlled by oxygen diffusion. At the same time, it confirms the existence of an universal character for the thermal oxidation kinetics of aliphatic polyamides whatever their origin, i.e. their initial molar mass, crystallinity ratio, concentration of impurities, structural irregularities, etc.
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hal-00984697 , version 1 (30-04-2014)



Chaker El Mazry, Mouna Ben Hassine, Olivier Correc, Xavier Colin. Thermal oxidation kinetics of additive free polyamide 6-6. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2013, 98 (1), pp.22-36. ⟨10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.11.002⟩. ⟨hal-00984697⟩
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