Parental exposure to methyl methane sulfonate of three-spined stickleback: contribution of DNA damage in male and female germ cells to further development impairment in progeny
Data regarding the link between DNA integrity of germ cells and the quality of progeny in fish exposed to genotoxicant are scarce although such information is of value to understand genotoxic effects of contaminants in aquatic fauna. This work aimed at studying the consequences of a parental exposure during the breeding season on offspring quality in three-spined stickleback. After in vivo exposure of adult fish to methyl methane sulfonate, a model alkylating compound, a clear increase in DNA damage was observed in erythrocytes of both genders, here used as a biomarker of exposure. MMS exposure significantly affected sperm DNA integrity but neither female fecundity nor fertilization success. In order to understand the contribution of each sex to potential deleterious effects in progeny due to parental exposure, mating of males and females exposed or not to MMS, was carried out. Exposure of both males and females or of males alone led to a significant increase in both mortality during embryo-larval stages and abnormality rate at hatching that appeared to be sensitive stages. Thus, in accordance with recent studies carried out in other freshwater fish species, such development defects in progeny were clearly driven by male genome, known to be devoid of DNA repair capacity in spermatozoa. The next step will be to investigate the link between DNA damage in stickleback sperm and reproductive impairment in natural populations exposed to complex mixture of genotoxicants.