Conference Papers Year : 2010

Introducing Fuzzy Logic And Computing With Words Paradigms In Realtime Processes For Performance Arts


When trying to introduce qualitative information into processes for performance arts, two major points must be considered: how to really deal with qualitative data and how to insert this into the processes. We propose to design a library for Max/MSP with the aim of offering a wide and full range of tools to be able to reason with all kinds of qualitative concepts. The idea is to implement inside Max/MSP the well-known fuzzy logic concepts, considering the numerous ways to represent imprecise data.
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hal-00656887 , version 1 (06-01-2012)


  • HAL Id : hal-00656887 , version 1


Alain Bonardi, Isis Truck. Introducing Fuzzy Logic And Computing With Words Paradigms In Realtime Processes For Performance Arts. The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'2010), Jun 2010, United States. pp.474--477 (Poster). ⟨hal-00656887⟩
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