Measurement of the energy depositions in a silicon volume by 14 MeV neutrons
The aim of this work is to validate experimentally the results of the Monte Carlo Recoil Energy Determination (MC-RED) nuclear physics code used to determine the deposited energy in a silicon volume taking into account the probabilistic approach of the physical phenomenon. A silicon sensor has been used to measure the deposited energy spectrum after an irradiation with a 14 MeV neutron source. Neutrons of 14 MeV were produced by the SAMES accelerator of the Valduc CEA research center. The experimental results were compared with the one obtained by the MC-RED code in the same silicon volume. To compare experiment and simulations, it requires that the complete neutron field be specified. We have to take into account the facility cell environment. Nuclear simulations were performed with the MCNP code to determine with accuracy the energy spectra of neutrons and gamma rays produced by this facility on the sensor. It is shown that the contribution of secondary neutrons is not negligible