Collections of the 9 research teams and the 4 technological platforms
BioToMyc : Biosynthesis & Toxicity of Mycotoxins
The team mainly focused on three aspects of mycotoxins problem: the mechanisms of toxins production by fungi, the impact of mycotoxins on human and animal health and the development of strategies for controlling contamination and/or effects of these toxins.
COMICS : Contaminants & Cellular Stress
Since genetic polymorphism affects the cellular response, we pay particular attention to the contribution of susceptibility genes involved in aging and carcinogenesis in response to contaminants.
The ENTeRisk team (formerly DIXIT) created at the end of 2013 aims to study the fate and effects in the gut of chemical substances used as food additives or unintentionally present in foods .
In this context, the team uses toxicokinetic/toxicodynamic concepts to analyze the relationship between maternal exposure to food contaminants and early and predictive markers of a disruption of fetal thyroid, reproductive and metabolic functions.
Our team studies the effects of various chemical or biological (such as bacterial genotoxins) compounds present as contaminants in food, on the integrity of DNA. We develop in particular biomarkers to characterize the mechanisms of genotoxicity.
The priority of the team is to develop projects on molecules raising high concerns linked with human exposure and health issues (including predictive toxicology) for which knowledge gaps have been identified.
Our central research theme is to investigate the neurohumoral regulation of the intestinal barrier by factors present in the lumen of the digestive tract, sex steroids and xenoestrogens or viscero-visceral interactions.
Our major goal is to understand the mechanisms explaining how meat can promote colon carcinogenesis.
The team is interested in the molecular mechanisms that control liver physiology. We study the response to food contaminants, hormonal and cellular signals that are likely to affect health.
E20 Metatoul-AXIOM : Analysis of Xenobiotics, Identification & Metabolism
Metatoul-AXIOM develops leading edge technological development, mainly based on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry, to meet challenges of characterizing the exposure of consumers to low doses of contaminants present in mixtures, and their effects.
E22 M2C : Cytometry & Confocal Microscopy
This equipment will allow studying biological samples thanks to optical methods imaging the fluorescence emitted by chromophore molecules.
E23 TRiX : Transcriptomic impact of Xenobiotics
In addition to Agilent microarray screenings, TRiX will provide an environment suitable for high-throughput or targeted gene expression studies and aims at developing future services for targeted promoter analysis.
Ezop : Zootechnics platform
EZOP platform is associated to different experimental programs and therefore appears in publications.