Storm Alex : lessons learnt from the debris flood that occurred on October 2nd 2020 in the French Maritim Alps
On October 2nd 2020, storm Alex hit France and caused unprecedented magnitude torrential floods in the Roya and Vésubie valleys, with major morphological changes and heavy human and material damages. A back analysis was carried out at the request of the Alpes-Maritimes State authority to understand and characterize the phenomena associated with this unusual event. This study was also used to support the State services and the local authorities to define future planning of risk reduction measures, land use and valley rehabilitation. The scale of the event that was to be assessed made it necessary to quickly adapt tools and methodologies. To meet the various challenges posed by this kind of event, all the stakeholders of the territory worked together to build a rich database with the addition of a LiDAR, a vast field campaign and the development of specific field survey forms through a mobile app accessible to all.
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