Poster Communications Year : 2019

Adoption of BioPortal's Ontology Registry Software: The Emerging OntoPortal Community


A key BioPortal deliverable has been the Virtual Appliance, which any community can deploy to create their own repository of ontologies and vocabularies. Adoption of the Virtual Appliance has increased significantly, with many developers, operators, and end users adopting and improving the code. We now present this software stack as OntoPortal, and release it as the OntoPortal Virtual Appliance.


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lirmm-02360625 , version 1 (12-11-2019)


  • HAL Id : lirmm-02360625 , version 1


John Graybeal, Clement Jonquet, Nicola Fiore, Mark A. Musen. Adoption of BioPortal's Ontology Registry Software: The Emerging OntoPortal Community. RDA P13 - 13th Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting, Apr 2019, Philadelphia, United States. . ⟨lirmm-02360625⟩
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