1d Ising model with $1/r^{1.99}$ interaction
We study the 1d Ising model with long-range interactions decaying as $1/r^{1+s}$. The critical model corresponds to a family of 1d conformal field theories (CFTs) whose data depends nontrivially on $s$ in the range $1/2\leq s\leq 1$. The model is known to be described by a generalized free field with quartic interaction, which is weakly coupled near $s=1/2$ but strongly coupled near the short-range crossover at $s=1$. We propose a dual description which becomes weakly coupled at $s=1$. At $s=1$, our model becomes an exactly solvable conformal boundary condition for the 2d free scalar. We perform a number of consistency checks of our proposal and calculate the perturbative CFT data around $s=1$ analytically using both 1) our proposed field theory and 2) the analytic conformal bootstrap. Our results show complete agreement between the two methods.