Article Dans Une Revue Vall Salina e-Journal Année : 2024

Reflections on the Anthropology of Salt

Alfons Fíguls
Jorge Bonache
Fidel Grandia
Judit Pons
Mercè Vendrell


In 2012, Dr. Marius Alexianu proposed a new discipline called Anthropology of Salt. Twelve years have passed since his proposal, and despite the celebration of four International Congresses on the Anthropology of Salt, the working method of this new discipline has not been concretized. Following the implementation of the Sal Cardonensis Project, we reflected on the feasibility of this discipline. We concluded that it is not feasible and suggested it as a scientific concept, defining it as knowledge resulting from the integration of various disciplines addressing the issue of salt to comprehend its relationship with humanity and/or human knowledge. In other words, from a perspective related to anthropology, with a greater emphasis on geology.
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hal-04849270 , version 1 (27-12-2024)



Alfons Fíguls, Joan Aranda, Daniel Arlanzón, Dolors Bonache, Jorge Bonache, et al.. Reflections on the Anthropology of Salt. Vall Salina e-Journal, 2024, 53 (1), pp.13-24. ⟨10.69736/22190102⟩. ⟨hal-04849270⟩
31 Consultations
4 Téléchargements


