Assessment of avatar lip-reading technology (AVI-Corse project). Perspectives of young people with and without hearing loss
The AVI-Corse project is a participatory research project in Corsica Island which mountainous geography makes access to healthcare particularly difficult. The project is based on a local approach, to better understand the needs of the area in the field of speech and language therapy. The aim is to evaluate more or less realistic digital talking heads (avatars) using automatic lip-synchronization technology. The perspective is to use a home-based similar technology, in connection with speech therapy in private practice. Results from two groups of pre-adolescents (deaf vs. control group) were presented, showing that the information provided by lip-reading plays an important role in the oral comprehension of sentences in deaf children. This is in line with research in this field and with our objectives. The aim is not to replace the speech therapist, but to test potential support tools.