في الأوزان المزيدة والابتكار الكتابي: تساؤلات حول كتابة فعل مزيد في نكتة مكتوبة باللهجة السورية في الإنترنيت
Since the beginning of Internet mass usage, of social media and the emergence of Arab uprisings, many sorts of oral discourses have been transcribed on digital media. We are dealing here with Syrian jokes that Homs inhabitants have been the subject to for a long time (Kalach 2016: 37-39). The aspects of that kind of humour being based on a common prerequisite (Homs locals being reportedly mad), those jokes do represent constantly evolving usages of the contemporary Syrian vernacular. In the one on which our communication focuses (from www.eqrae.com) the occurrence سررع contextualised as “he hurried up, he rushed”, is a case in point of graphical and lexical ambiguity. In terms of graphical innovation, if any, it lies in the doubling of the second verb radical, the gemination of which is usually made by a شدة. Then, it raises the pedagogical question of choosing the most convenient way of teaching Arabic spelling