Question sequences and their gestural correlates in spoken monologic discourse
This paper examines question sequences and their gestural correlates in spoken monologic discourse, as observed in a corpus of 18 English TED talks (6 hours and 4 minutes, 1110 questions across 17 speakers). All questions were segmented and annotated for syntactic, discursive and gestural parameters (hand gestures; head and eyebrow movement) using ELAN (Sloetjes & Wittenburg, 2008).
Questions are assumed to be produced by an ignorant speaker seeking information (Farkas, 2022) and are generally analysed as turn-taking triggers (Stivers et al., 2009). However, when questions cannot contribute to dialogue moves, their function is less clear. TED talks are a digital medium which belongs to the New Oratory as defined by Rossette-Crake (2019, 2022), and are characterised by an asymmetrical relationship between speakers and addressees. Although backchannel and gestural responses (such as hand-raising) may be produced, the speaker-controlled discourse cannot be explicitly updated by an addressee. This discursive constraint has consequences on the grounding process (Clark & Brennan, 1991) and on the gestures associated with questions (Shattuck-Hufnagel & Ren, 2018).
As a result of the lack of direct interaction, questions in TED talks tend to appear in clusters. These sequences are a distinctive feature of spoken monologic discourse (Cardo, 2024) and constitute functional discourse units (Egbert et al., 2021) because they are used to achieve different communicative goals including conveying salience (Falk, 2014), demonstrating stance (Hyland, 2005), and facilitating engagement. While little work has been carried out on gestures in question sequences, gesture repetitions have been analysed as useful discourse-structuring and attention-centering resources (Bressem, 2021).
We hypothesise that the emphatic and interactive functions of question sequences are reflected by the gestures they co-occur with. Our preliminary results indicate that question sequences are marked with head beats, two-handed gestures, and formal repetitions of hand gestures with modifications in trajectory or size.