Assessing the welfare of laboratory macaques: towards an ethical and responsible research
Macaque species, specifically Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis, play a pivotal role in
neuroscience and biomedical research. Inadequate housing conditions and husbandry
practices can lead to physiological and behavioral alterations, reflecting poor welfare, and
can have an impact on the validity of results. However, despite the existence in the
scientific literature of numerous studies examining welfare indicators for laboratory-
housed macaques, few field studies have been carried to develop a species-specific welfare
assessment tool for macaques and test its validity. This is the goal of this project. This
study was conducted on 169 macaques housed in eight research laboratories in France.
We aimed to investigate their welfare through a welfare assessment tool. This latter is
based on pre-existing frameworks on the matter, such as AWIN (Animal Welfare
INdicators) protocol for farm animals, but specifically adapted to macaques in laboratory
settings. Behavioral data were collected by two observers on each subject with 10-min of
focal sampling, totaling 110 hours of observations. The interrater reliability score was
calculated using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). In addition, a wide range of
animal-based and environmental-based measures were collected through a survey which
includes over a hundred questions divided into 4 categories: housing, nutrition, health,
and behavior. The ongoing data analysis, including Generalized Linear Mixed Models,
investigate the potential impact of various housing conditions and husbandry practices on
the behaviors exhibited by macaques. Preliminary results suggest that single housing
conditions and water restriction influence the proportions of abnormal behaviors
exhibited by macaques, in line with previous studies reported for other species. Through
this work, our aim is to guarantee an objective and standardized assessment of the welfare
of primates in the laboratory, to make recommendations for improving husbandry
practices and to help raise awareness of the welfare of laboratory animals, for ethical and
responsible research.