MIoT-Driven Comparison of Open Blockchain Platforms
Being propelled by the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), IoT devices and solutions are well adopted everywhere, ranging from home applications to industrial use, crossing through transportation, healthcare, energy, and so on. This wide use of IoT has not gone unnoticed, hackers are tracking the weakness of such a technology and threatening them continuously. Their security at various levels has become an important concern of professionals and researchers. This issue takes more risk, especially with the IoT variants, IIoT (Industrial IoT) and MIoT (Medical IoT). Many existing security solutions are adapted and proposed for addressing IoT security. In this paper, we are interested in exploring blockchain technology and we make a comparison of three free Blockchain platforms towards their applicability for MIoT context, namely Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric and Corda. In general, Blockchain technology provides a decentralized, autonomous, trustless, and distributed environment. It is challenging to find a Blockchain platform that fits the MIoT context and performs well in terms of security. The retained platform should be deployed smartly to avoid its practical drawbacks related to energy-consuming and excessive computing.