КОГО, ЧЕМУ, КАК И ЗАЧЕМ УЧИТЬ? Изучение славянских культур сегодня: лиминальность и медиация (Тематическое исследование/ case study: Философский факультет Университета в Сараеве, Отделение славянских языков и литератур)
Beginning with the framework proposed at the conference Slavic Studies Today : Liminality and Mediation, held in Poitiers in November of 2022, which relies on the research of folklorist and anthropologist Arnold van Gannep, in this paper, van Gennep's second phase of the Rite of Transition, as a period of transformation and a path to a new, stable state, is connected above all with the need to reorganise the course of Slavic Studies at the University of Sarajevo. Van Gannep’s analysis of the Rite of Incorporation, as the third phase, is valid for understanding the problems related to « estranged » and « unrealised » modern societies, and is as such applicable during the analysis of the « crisis » of humanities, and slavic studies by association, along with many of its causes. It is also applicable during the process of ascertaining the possibilities of adequate change within new circumstances, as well as preparation and by taking concrete steps towards the « Slavistics of the future », for van Gannep’s main point, essentially, can be directly connected to the theory of change, considering he had insisted that the Rites’ patterns should be studied as complete wholes, and that the comparison should be based on structural similarities, rather than contents. The concept and notion of liminality, useful and almost necessary for the analysis of any form of transition is in this paper related to the concept of the study of cultures which are recommended by the American-Indian literary theorist Homi K. Bhabha.
Polazeći od okvira predloženog na konferenciji Slavistika danas : liminalnost i medijacija, održanoj u Poitiersu u novembru 2022. godine, koji se oslanja na istraživanje etnografa, folkloriste i antropologa Arnolda van Gennepa (Obredi prelaza), u ovom radu se van Gennepova druga faza rituala prelaza, kao period transformacije i puta ka novom (stabilnom, uravnoteženom) stanju, povezuje prije svega sa potrebom reorganizacije studija slavistike na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu – Filozofskom fakultetu. Van Gennepova analiza obreda inkorporacije (kao treće faze obreda prelaza) valjana je za razumijevanje problema povezanih sa « otuđenim » i « neostvarenim » modernim društvima te, kao takva, primjenjiva u analizi « krize » humanističkih pa tako i slavističkih studija i mnogih njenih uzročnika, također i u iznalaženju mogućnosti adekvatne promjene u novim okolnostima te pripreme i poduzimanja konkretnih koraka za « slavistiku budućnosti », jer suštinski, van Gennepova osnovna teza direktno se može povezati sa teorijom / teorijama promjene, s obzirom da je insistirao na tome da se ceremonijalni obrasci trebaju ispitivati kao cjeline i da se usporedba treba temeljiti na sličnostima u strukturi, a ne u sadržaju.